Neighbors Helping Neighbors – March 9th

Happy volunteer family separating donations stuffs on a sunny day

Neighbors helping neighbors is a local listing where you can find ways of assisting others in your local community. By working with local non-profit organizations, we can reach out to people in need safely and help insure people’s needs are met.


Great Falls Gazette is committed to helping local organizations to help the less fortunate in the local community. If you manage a non-profit organization or know of one, you can post your listing here by emailing The Great Falls Gazette at or calling us at (406) 604-8929.

Great Falls Community Food Bank – The Great Falls Community Food Bank is in need of canned peaches, breakfast cereal, snacks (any kind), jelly, and canned chili. Any and all items are greatly appreciated. Donations can be dropped off at 1620 12th Ave N between 7 am and 3:30 pm or call (406) 452-9029.

Kairos Youth Services – Kairos Youth Services is in need of hygiene supplies for youth including shampoo, conditioner, soap, toothpaste, toothbrushes, floss, comb/brush, and toilet paper. Any and all items are greatly appreciated. Donations can be dropped off at 625 Central Ave W Suite 205 or call (406) 727-0076.

Emilie Center – The Emilie Center is in need of blankets, sleeping bags, long underwear, pots and pans, baking pans, glasses, bowls, and cooking utensils. All items including monetary donations, are greatly appreciated. Please call (406) 771-6695 or stop by 1920 10th Ave South.

Great Falls Children’s Receiving Home – The Great Falls Children’s Receiving Home is in need of toothpaste, shampoo, deodorant, and underwear of all sizes. Any and all items are greatly appreciated. Please call (406) 727-4843 to arrange to have items picked up.

Alliance for Youth – Alliance for Youth is in need of feminine hygiene items, mostly tampons. Any and all items are greatly appreciated. Please call (406) 868-9678 or drop off at 3220 11th Ave S.

Great Falls Rescue Mission – The Great Falls Rescue Mission is in need of sheets, blankets, gloves, and hats. Any and all items are greatly appreciated. Donations may be dropped off at 408 2nd Ave S at the North East door, or call (406) 761-2653.

Helping Hands at First English – Helping Hands at First English is in need of cereal, hygiene items, toilet paper, coats, and monetary donations. Any and all items are greatly appreciated. Donations can be dropped off at 726 2nd Ave N on Saturdays, monetary donations may be mailed to PO Box 1513 Great Falls, Mt 59403. For any questions, please call (406) 868-7882.

Peace Place of Great Falls – Peace Place is in need of fresh fruits and vegetables, copy paper, disinfecting wipes, and any packaged snacks that do not contain nuts. Any and all items are greatly appreciated. Donations can be dropped off at 316 6th Street South.

Family Promise of Great Falls – Family Promise is in need of bottled water, cup of noodles (ramen), mac n cheese cups, canned pasta, pudding cups, toilet paper, paper towels, and bus passes. Any and all items are greatly appreciated. Donations can be dropped off at 1019 Central Ave, or call (406) 564-5267.

Bikers for Kids in Need – Bikers for Kids in Need is in need of size 12 or larger coats as well as mittens, gloves, and scarves for their new coat closet. Any and all items are greatly appreciated. Please drop off items at the Times Square management office at 525 Central Avenue, or call (406) 799-1531

YWCA – The YWCA is in need of someone to assist with some minor maintenance chores. Our YWCA building is showing its age after years of service. Our plumbing, electrical, and IT are all in need of updates and we are desperate to improve our lack of storage. If you are a plumber, electrician, construction worker, or IT specialist and are willing to donate your services to help us address these issues, please contact us! The YWCA is also in need of toilet paper, paper towels, tissues, coffee, Cell phones used/new/with minutes and without (911phones), gift cards, baby wipes, dish soap, and laundry soap. Monetary donations are always welcome as are discounted rates on services. Any and all items are greatly appreciated. If you would like to donate, please call (406) 452-1315 or stop by 220 2nd St N.

Great Falls Salvation Army Food Pantry – The Great Falls Salvation Army Food Pantry is in need canned fruit and canned vegetables. Any and all items are greatly appreciated. Donations may be dropped off at 527 9th Ave S or call (406) 761-5660.

St. Vincent de Paul – St. Vincent de Paul is in need of cat food and dog food, clothing items, furniture, and hygiene items. Any and all items are greatly appreciated. Donations can be dropped off at 426 Central Ave W or call (406) 761-0870.

Maclean-Cameron Animal Adoption Center – Maclean-Cameron Animal Adoption Center is in need of dog treats, dog and cat food, cat toys, and dog toys. Any donations are greatly appreciated. Please call (406) 727-7387 or stop by 900 25th Avenue NE.

Opportunities Inc – Opportunities Inc is in need of hygiene items (diapers, toothpaste and brushes, laundry soap, body soap, deodorant, female sanitary supplies, etc.), winter clothing (adult size gloves and mittens), transportation supports (gasoline cards), move-in items (kitchen supplies, cleaning supplies, bedding, etc.), used furniture (gently used couches, tables, etc.). All items are greatly appreciated. Please call (406) 761-0310 or stop by 905 1st Ave N.

Author: Staff

Our Staff account is used to publish submitted content. If you have content that was published under this account, and wish to have your name as author, please contact us at (406) 952-3021

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About Staff

Our Staff account is used to publish submitted content. If you have content that was published under this account, and wish to have your name as author, please contact us at (406) 952-3021

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