Classified Ad Submission

Submit an Ad

Classified ads are $5.00 for the first 30 words and 10¢ per word afterward. Pictures may be uploaded for an additional $1.50 each, but the pictures must be less than 1.75″w x 1.75″t. It will be scaled to the correct size for print. If you must have a larger image or more than one picture, consider a display ad, as those are more optimized for pictures. We can also allow multiple categories. Ads run from Monday – Sunday in both editions of the Great Falls Gazette. Ads will run in the stand-alone Foxy’s Market when that becomes available later this year.


You will be digitally invoiced for your ad; no ads will be run until payment is made. You may send a check, but we will NOT mail an invoice without prepayment. Payments may be made at our office during regular office hours. Existing Display Ad account holders may add classified ads to their Ad account.

If you have questions, feel free to email us @ or call (406) 604-8929 for more information.

NOTE: Due to a software error, this form is not available, we’re working to get it back up and running, and apologize for the inconvenience. Please email to submit your information.

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