Circulation Policy

This document clarifies our circulation policies; it does not indicate a guarantee of service.


Delivery Deadlines

Note: We strive for the following deadlines; however, there is no guarantee due to the vast number of situations where we may deliver late, including, but not limited to, Weather, vehicle issues, acts of God, etc.

  • Most Home Delivery Routes (Great Falls): Delivered by 9:00 am
  • Commercial Routes: Delivered by 3:00 pm
  • Rural Routes: Delivered by 8:00 pm

Professional Behavior

We require our drivers to act as professionals. This includes the following:

  • Vehicles in proper repair to reduce noise.
  • Not wearing generally offensive clothing, nor having offensive bumper stickers on the vehicle. (advocating a political stance, candidate, or position is NOT offensive, threatening to commit a crime, or excessive vulgar language IS). We prefer that people wear clothing that says little or nothing, or simply states that they work for/with Great Falls Gazette)
  • Best professional behavior when out on routes or any time we represent Great Falls Gazette, including, but not limited to online and social media.
  • Respecting subscribers property
  • Working in as quiet of a manner as possible. We generally work very early in the morning (from about 1:00 am until as late as 8:00 pm!)

Ensuring Proper Delivery of Newspapers and Courier Items

We ALWAYS try to ensure that every item gets delivered properly. IF there is a misdelivery, we attempt to make it right as soon as possible. If we misdeliver a paper, we will deliver a new paper to the correct address (we do NOT collect misdeliveries, we simply mark them as samples.)

We ALWAYS try and deliver to where a subscriber prefers the paper to be delivered, however, we generally do not open gates or doors without written permission from the subscriber.

Subscriber and Driver Safety

We take subscriber safety very seriously. Drivers will be terminated if they threaten to harm, harm, or are verbally abusive towards subscribers or the public in general. We have a zero-tolerance policy for such actions and take any accusations very seriously.

Likewise, we take threats or actions made against our drivers very seriously. Generally threatening harm against a driver will require a complaint with law enforcement as well as possible civil actions.

If a subscriber has a complaint about a driver, it should be made to our circulation department as soon as possible. You can reach circulation at our main number (406) 952-3021 and listen to the menu.

Drivers are advised to put safety first. If we can not deliver safely, we will put the delivery on hold until such time that it may be done safely! Better to have a paper late than for anyone to be harmed!

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