
Submit your Celebration

Anyone can submit a “Celebration,” be it Birth, Birthday, Anniversary, Graduation, Commitment, Bar and Bat Mitzvah, or even a big promotion. Let’s share those positive messages. Celebrations are limited to 25 words. We will allow a 1.75″ x 1.75″ picture if you would like to add a picture. The message MUST be positive and not of a commercial nature.


The listing will include a picture (if any), your message, your first name, and your last initial. If you want to send an anonymous message, please indicate when you place the ad. Celebration must be submitted by the editorial deadline of the paper you wish it to be in. You may pre-submit by entering a preferred date that is in the future. You can get all your announcements done for the next few months and look like you’re really on top of things!

    You may upload a SMALL (<4mb) picture file.
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