Great Falls Gazette ®

Great Falls LOCAL News!

Opinion and Editorial

Political Ads Returning

Okay, after much discussion and some policy changes, we will once again be accepting political ads. However, there will be some limits. All political advertising will be in the center pages of the paper, except the back page. The back…

Great Falls Gazette, Made in Montana, in (Almost) Every Way

Great Falls Gazette is unique. Eighty percent of our authors were born in Montana, specifically in Great Falls. We now print every copy right here in Great Falls. We try to buy every supply we can from vendors in Montana…

Montana Livestock Country of Origin Labeling

Press release By Ric Holden for Montana: March 5, 2024 – Glendive, Mt Congressional candidate, Ric Holden, is calling on congress to reinstate country-of-origin-labeling for the livestock industry in the United States.  At the present time the U.S. consumer does…

The Rise and Fall of Digital News

The latest announcement that BuzzFeed and Vice Media have made large layoffs in February shouldn’t be much of a surprise. While these outlets had a LOT of news and, sometimes, great stories, they are just more casualties in the digital…

Libertarian Movement Continually Gains Momentum

GREAT FALLS, MT, March 12, 2024 – Four Libertarian candidates have filed for office to representhalf of the House Districts in Cascade County: Annie Leatherbarrow (HD 24), Kevin Leatherbarrow(HD 23), Lui Salina (HD 25), and Josh Rosales (HD 21).Although there…

Holden Files for Eastern Montana US Congress

Press release By Ric Holden for Montana: February 16, 2024 – Glendive, MT Congressional candidate, former state senator and rancher, Ric Holden, has filed for the eastern Montana US Congressional seat district #2.  Holden filed for the seat in Helena…

School Board Candidate Receives Local Endorsement

Press release By Liberty and Values MT: February 20, 2024 – Great Falls, Mt In its first endorsement of the election season, Liberty and Values MT, a local conservative political committee, today announced that they are supporting Rodney Meyers for the…

Politcs Opinion and Editorial

Who is Ready for a New Election Year

2024 once again brings Federal elections around. No matter if you lean left, lean right, stand tall in the middle, or vote for Cthulu, let us all remember that it’s okay to disagree on ideas, we just need to keep…

Cayle Halberg’s View of Justice Wins CCLP Support

NOTE: This is an excerpt of the full press release. At the bottom of this page, you will find the press release in its full, original form. The Gazette does not take a stance on any political candidate or issue,…

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