
Great Falls Gazette offers display advertising and classified ads (Foxy’s Market Place!). This page helps you decide the best advertising for YOU. All advertising must be submitted to the paper and ready for print by Tuesday at 5 pm to be in that week’s paper. Any advertising after that deadline will be in the following week’s paper.

Market and Demographic Information

Great Falls and Cascade County Information(2022):

  • Population: ~84,000
  • Median Household Income: $61,000
  • 39,386 household units
  • Persons < 18 = 22.1%
  • Persons 19-64 = ~58.1%
  • Persons > 65 = 19.8%

Display Advertising

Commercial and non-profit organizations use display advertising to build brand awareness, attract new customers/clients/donations, and promote products or special pricing. Display advertising is a cost-effective way to expose your brands or products to the public.

Our basic rate for Display Ads is $4.00 per column inch for daily papers. Click here for more information about display advertising and available discounts.

Public / Legal Notices

Public and Legal Notices are available. Notices may be submitted by email at (click obfuscated address to see full email address) or via form on the Public/Legal Notices page. If you have a pre-existing account, Legal Notices will be accepted up until noon on editorial deadline days for an edition. If your account is on prepayment, you should allow for a day or two before, as notices will not run if not prepaid.

Classified Advertising

We are very excited to bring back classified ads to our paper! Ads are for a calendar week and appear in both editions of the paper for the same price.

All ads have the same rate; the first 30 words cost $5.00, and each additional word costs 15 cents for each word. If you wish a picture, it is an additional $1.50 pictures are reduced to fit a 1.75″ x 1.75″ space). Any ad can be placed in additional categories for an additional $2 per category.

The only requirement is that ads follow Montana Law and that in all vehicle ads, if the seller is a dealer, it MUST be noted in the ad. Political ads are currently NOT allowed in the classifieds.

If you want to place a classified ad, please complete the form below. You will be emailed an invoice to pay for your ad. If you need help, feel free to hit chat or call us at (406) 604-8929.

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