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Great Falls News

Great Falls Votes Reject Levy and Bond issues.

Note: Election Results are NOT FINAL and have not yet been certified. Please see our website for the latest updates to this story.

As of 2:00 a.m., preliminary reports show that the Great Falls Voters have soundly rejected the City’s safety levy, with over 60% of counted votes rejecting the Safety levy and only 45% of the electorate voting for the bond. Both the levy and bond were highly debated by supporters and opponents.

Cory Reeves is currently leading the pack of Mayoral Candidates with 5,739 votes. Casey Schreiner is behind him with 4,796, followed by Joe McKenny at 2,760. Newcomer Abby Brown garnered 905. Again, not all votes have been counted, and the election is no yet certified.

City Commissioner Rick Tryon looks to retain his seat, and Shannon Wilson appears to be edging Eric Hinebauch out in a race separated by only 75 votes. Mark Dunn will be the new Department B Municipal Judge. Steve Bolstad ran unopposed for Department A Municipal Judge.

Andy Anderson
Author: Andy Anderson

Andy is publisher of Foxys Publishing Co, as well as pressman, ad sales, distribution and sometime janitor. He occasionally makes a wild attempt at writing but quite often is seen running around our offices trying to "Get 39 million things done today..."

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