Neighbors helping neighbors is a local listing where you can find ways of assisting others in your local community. By working with local non-profit organizations, we can reach out to people in need safely and help insure people’s needs are met.
Great Falls Gazette is committed to helping local organizations to help the less fortunate in the local community. If you manage a non profit organization or know of one, you can post your listing here by emailing The Great Falls Gazette at or calling us at (406) 604-8929.
My Neighbor in Need– local lady with with medical issues and very limited income, is in need help getting her car repaired. We verified what is wrong with the vehicle and Carnahan’s can make the needed repairs for a discounted price of $555 and the Neighbor in Need is able to pay $300 toward the repair, however, she needs our help with the balance of $255.00. If you are able to assist with this need, please call our office at 406-750-2542 and let us know how you can help. You do not need to contribute the full balance, rather just tell us how much you wish to contribute. Thank you for helping this caring lady.
Emilie Center – The Emilie Center is in high need of pots and pans. All items are greatly appreciated. Please call (406) 771-6695 or stop by 1920 10th Ave South.
St. Vincent de Paul – St. Vincent de Paul is in need of any food donations to support the various programs they provide including The Angel Room, Grace Home, Grace Haven, food bank and many more. Donations can be dropped off at 426 Central Ave W or call (406) 761-0870.