Great Falls Gazette ®

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Opinion and Editorial Politcs

Who is Ready for a New Election Year

2024 once again brings Federal elections around. No matter if you lean left, lean right, stand tall in the middle, or vote for Cthulu, let us all remember that it’s okay to disagree on ideas, we just need to keep perspective and be respectful of one another. This article is being printed and posted online to ensure that we have an open and clear policy that is available to electors, candidates, and the rest of the public.

With that said, the Gazette will be accepting and printing press releases from those running for office, or supporting them and those supporting or opposing issues on the ballot. There is one caveat, we will NOT be endorsing any candidate or issue. It is our strong opinion that we should not be using our platform for our own agenda, but be a place for information.

Additionally, we will not accept any ad, press release, or story that constitutes a direct attack on a person or idea. We will either edit out attacks or simply refuse to print attack material. If you must make a claim against a person or issue, it must be substantiated or we will refuse it. If the piece only exists to harm another, we will refuse it.

If you point out that a candidate was convicted of a crime, that would be allowed (it is a fact), but if the piece is all about drilling that fact home, we will refuse it, as it only serves to attack a person, and is against our editorial policy. Short (200 words or less) letters to the editor, with the author’s full name and address(and office seeking, if applicable), WILL be printed, as space permits. We reserve the right to refuse letters to the editor, we also reserve the right to hold a letter for publication due to space issues.

All political content MUST be marked as political, ads MUST include who is paying for the ad, the words political ad, and be boxed (have a black box/circle around the ad to help mark it off from content. We will NOT refuse any factual ad submitted for publication, and political ads have a set rate ($3.00 per column/inch) All political ads MUST be prepaid. No exceptions. We reserve the right to group ads together or split them apart at our sole discretion.

Andy Anderson
Author: Andy Anderson

Andy is publisher of Foxys Publishing Co, as well as pressman, ad sales, distribution and sometime janitor. He occasionally makes a wild attempt at writing but quite often is seen running around our offices trying to "Get 39 million things done today..."

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