Neighbor Assist

The Neighbor Assist program is part of our Circulation department. As our newspaper and courier drivers are making deliveries, they often notice things that can be helpful for homeowners to know. Some of the things we may notice, and can notify you of are as follows:

  • Newspapers and packages building up at the delivery point/front door*
  • Vehicle doors open on your property
  • Broken/plugged gutters (these can cause a lot of damage)
  • Vandalism/graffiti on property
  • Open doors or windows during bad weather
  • Broken windows

*=We can contact a secondary person (whom you choose) to let them know there might be an issue. This is most helpful for older folks living alone.

How it works:

While our drivers are making deliveries, if they notice an issue, they can radio our dispatcher and let them know of the problem. The Dispatcher can look up your account and see that you are a member. They can also see if you have asked NOT to be notified about something, and skip bothering you (I.E. You know there is a broken window on the porch and don’t want to be notified anymore about it.) The dispatcher will make the call (usually within 12 hours). The one exception is if there is a build-up of papers. If you have a lot of newspapers not being collected, and have an emergency contact, we will try to call you first. If we can not reach you within a few hours, we will call your emergency contact person. This is the only time we will contact your emergency contact.

Our program is simply a way of ensuring the safety and well-being of our readers. We don’t ask for anything, and we will NOT try to fix things or make direct contact. We are not security people, just fellow members of the community who like to watch out for our neighbors, and help them stay safe. Our drivers are under no obligation nor requirement to report anything. This is a courtesy.

Note: Only readers/subscribers with home delivery can be on the program. We have no control over the mail carriers, nor do they pass us any information.

Cost of program:

There is no cost to be in the Neighbor Assist program. We don’t track any information if a driver notices an issue. This is simply a courtesy to our valued readers! If you wish to cancel your participation in the program, you can call or email, and we can remove you at any time!

How do I sign up?

Call (406) 952-3021 and speak to anyone. Signing up is free. You can also use the form below to sign up for the service.

    Select below if you're joining or updating the program, or if you are wanting to quit the program.
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