Great Falls Gazette Announces Name Your Price Advertising

money coins in the glass jar saving financial concept
money coins in the glass jar saving financial concept

The Great Falls Gazette is introducing the Name Your Price Advertising. This pilot program will allow you to submit premade ads to the paper and name the price you would like to pay. Note this is a pilot program, terms may change as we develop the program. There are a few rules to the program, and a few “gotcha’s”.

First the Gotcha’s:

Advertising must be premade, we will do NOTHING except put a black box around your ad!

Advertising must be prepaid. If you pull your ad before it runs, there is a 15% service fee. Once ads start, they will run; however, you may change your image or desired frequency. Size may not change. There are no exceptions to prepaid. The ad is NOT accepted until payment is made.

You will have to pick and stick to a size for your ad. It must stay the same C/I, however it can be taller and thinner, or shorter and fatter!

While you can pick your desired insertion frequency, it is NOT guaranteed.

Great Falls Gazette reserves the right to refuse any ad, for any, or no reason.

Ads must follow current Gazette advertising policies as posted on our website.

Ads may run ANYWHERE in the paper, you can not select where they will or will not run.

Now the rules:

Refunds are only allowed if the ad has had no insertions.

Great Falls Gazette will do NO production on your ad.

Ads may take up to a week to approve after we receive everything, please plan accordingly!

Ads are run based on price, and time submitted. So if another person has submitted an ad for the same price, the one submitted first has priority. This keeps things fair.

Great Falls Gazette can not tell you the price others have paid. We can estimate if your ad will run frequently, but it will only be a gross estimate. Ads may be requested to run at least once a week, or once a month; however you will have no choice on which day of the week or exact dates.

If your ad is not running enough you MAY elect to “buy up” on your bid to increase your chances.

We work with several ad designers who can produce your ad. The Gazette does not have the personnel to take on large amounts of production work.

Must fall into standard sizes, this allows us to compare ads, should the need arise.

There IS a minimum bid. This will NOT be disregarded.

No discounts. There is no discount for non-profits or in terms of quantity.

Ads run based on inventory available in an issue. We will not run more than what you want them to run. This is to prevent stacking ads.

If the minimum ad price increases, you will NOT be required to pay more. When we accept the ad, it will run.

If you would like, or need your ad changed to a normal display ad, we will consider it based on the amount prepaid and performance issues. Additionally, you will probably have to pay more for the same number of insertions.

Yes, you may bid more than standard ads, however, we will point out that you are paying more than the guaranteed ads.

This is a pilot program, we are only accepting ads for the next three months, and they will expire three months beyond that. It is not expected that we will refund unused credits, however, that will be decided on a case-by-case basis.

Sizes of ads

Here are some standard sizes and minimum bids(minimum bid is per insertion) for ads.

Business Card (3.5″w X 2″t) Min bid: $8. This is the size, it doesn’t have to be a business card!

Quarter Page (3.5″w X 5″t) Min bid: $20

Third Page (3.5″w X 6.6″t) or (7″w x 3.3″) Min bid: $26.40

Half Page (3.5″w X 9″t) or (7″w X 4.5″t) Min bid: $40

Full Page (7″w x 10″t) Min bid: $76

If this program interests you, contact Andy @ (406) 952-3021 and find out how we can get your ad running this week!

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Author: Staff

Our Staff account is used to publish submitted content. If you have content that was published under this account, and wish to have your name as author, please contact us at (406) 952-3021

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About Staff

Our Staff account is used to publish submitted content. If you have content that was published under this account, and wish to have your name as author, please contact us at (406) 952-3021

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