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Obituary of James Johnson

James/Jimmy/Jim, passed on to join his Heavenly Father at the age of 94 peacefully surrounded by his family-his legacy. As He put it with a smile on his face, “I am going to Paradise”.

Jim was born April 2, 1930 in Grafton, North Dakota. His mother Nelma and father Ingbert were en route to Minnesota when she went into labor. He was the only one of their kids to be born in a hospital: however, he claimed vehemently he was a devout Minnesota native!

Jim joined the Air Force and by a friend’s introduction he met the love of his life, Flonnie in Aragon, Georgia and they married in 1953. After 4 years in the force and serving in the Korean War, they decided to make their way to California, but stopped in Mt to see friends. Fast forward….Montana was where the roots were planted. He joined the Air National Guard until his retirement in 1995.

James became a pipe fitter and worked at various places with long hours. He was a very dedicated and hard working husband and father of four; Mike, Craig, Nancy and Julie. That soon turned into 13 grandkids and 13 great grandkids! So his roots became a fast growing field of flowers!!

Jim was a pillar of Great Falls and a devout believer in God. He served at the Rescue Mission for over 60 yrs, (approximately from 1964) and was on the board of directors. Jim and Flonnie were very involved in their church, and many organizations of giving back, and they were loved by everyone. There was not one place Jim could go where he wouldn’t run into someone he knew!  Boy oh boy could he chat!!!

Christmas was a memory that will be burned in all of our hearts, as we gathered around while he read the Christmas story of the birth of our Lord and Redeemer. We shall remember Gunsmoke, (one of his favorite shows), feeding his squirrel friends and birds, his Infectious laughter, and stories of his childhood; even if they were repetitive he always told the stories as if he was still there, and of course the smiley faces on our birthday cards! Family routines will be greatly altered on a daily basis, from watching TV shows and morning breakfasts and of course the holidays. But memories go deep and will NEVER be forgotten.

Jim is survived by his Sons, Mike (Debbie Johnson of Great Falls), Craig (Jetta Denise Johnson of Great Falls); daughters, Nancy (Joe Steffens of Great Falls), and Julie Johnson of Billings. His brother Wilmer Johnson and sister Iyelet Ohren, 13 grandchildren and 13 great-grandchildren, and many friends he would consider family!

BACK… IN…. MINNESOTA…..(as he would Always say) an extraordinary man came to be a true and  faithful servant of our Lord, and now He joins his beloved wife, Flonnie in God’s Paradise, in the loving arms of Jesus.

We should not be sad but Rejoice!!!!!   He went to Paradise with excitement and tremendous faith.

I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith:” 2 Timothy 4:7

His wish……That all his descendants find the Lord so that we may all  join and rejoice together in Heaven.!!

So in his honor, may we remember to be giving, faithful, helpful, and always ‘paying it forward’ to those in need.

Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” Prov. 22:6  KJV     JIM OBEYED that commandment with excellence.

His lord said unto him, Well done, good and faithful servant; thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord”.  Math. 25:23  KJV

Until we meet again…….We Love you Dad, Grandpa, Great Grandpa, Pop Pop,  Jim, Jimmy, Friend and Patriarch.

Memorials may be sent to Fairview Baptist Church, Great Falls Rescue Mission, or Echoes.

A Funeral Service for James will be held on Saturday, September 28, 2024 at 11:00 a.m. under the direction of Pastor Steve Mix at Fairview Baptist Church (4428 2nd Ave. North, Great Falls) with a viewing one hour prior to the Funeral Service. Military Funeral Honors will be provided by the Malmstrom Air Force Base Honor Guard and will take place as part of the Graveside Service at Highland Cemetery.

Author: Staff

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