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Obituary of Erin Lamb

Erin was born on January 7, 1987 in Billings, MT and passed away on July 24, 2024 at age 37 in Great Falls,
MT. Her birth parents were unable to care for her and 7 months thereafter she was placed with us for adoption. Erin was baptized into the Catholic Church and received the sacraments of confession, communion, confirmation and upon death the Last Rites as she passed on to meet her Heavenly
Father. She came into our lives as a child with special needs and we accepted her into our family and raised her as our own. As she grew older, it became apparent that she would need help to overcome many challenges and we did our best to meet and help her overcome them. She loved animals, and she had 2 favorites, dogs and lady bugs. She was especially fond of our Beagle, Molly and loved to visit and play together.

Erin completed K – 12 education and during her time at school she participated in many sports, especially with Special Olympics. Her favorite events were swimming, gymnastics, bowling, kayaking, snow shoeing and basketball. She and her team mates won many gold, silver and bronze medals along the way. She also enjoyed riding horses at Eagle Mount and attending the Voyagers baseball games where she could visit with Orbit and watch the team. She especially enjoyed attending the summer state fair concerts and was looking forward to that this summer.

There will be a celebration of Erin’s life at a later date and notification will be provided for those family and friends desiring to attend. She leaves behind her mother and father (Hastings and Veronica Lamb), her sister (Alicia Walker), aunts, uncles, cousins and many friends made during her life on Earth.

Author: Staff

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