Neighbors helping neighbors is a local listing where you can find ways of assisting others in your local community. By working with local non-profit organizations, we can reach out to people in need safely and help insure people’s needs are met.
Great Falls Gazette is committed to helping local organizations to help the less fortunate in the local community. If you manage a non profit organization or know of one, you can post your listing here by emailing The Great Falls Gazette at info@gfgazette.com or calling us at (406) 604-8929.
Great Falls Rescue Mission – The Great Falls Rescue Mission is in need of gently used and new clothing and shoes sizes 4t and up for back to school kids. Any and all items are greatly appreciated. Donations may be dropped off at 408 2nd Ave S at the North East door, or call (406) 761-2653.
Maclean-Cameron Animal Adoption Center – Maclean-Cameron Animal Adoption Center is in need of Hard sturdy dog toys and smooth peanut butter (without the ingredient Xylitol). This is used as a form of enrichment and used in “kong” toys and on “licky mats,”. Any donations are greatly appreciated. Please call (406) 727-7387 or stop by 900 25th Avenue NE.
Great Falls Community Food Bank – The Great Falls Community Food Bank is in need of canned pasta, canned fruit, and cereal. Any and all items are greatly appreciated. Donations can be dropped off at 1620 12th Ave N between 7 am and 3:30 pm or call (406) 452-9029.
Family Promise of Great Falls – Family Promise is in need of Chef Boyardee canned pasta, bottled water, printer paper, Pop tarts, Macaroni n Cheese Cups, Diapers and Pull Ups (larger sizes especially size 6), Baby Wipes, Shampoo and Conditioner (larger bottles please), Hairbrushes, Hair ties, Hair detangler spray, Razors, and Shaving Cream. Any and all items are greatly appreciated. Donations can be dropped off at 1019 Central Ave, or call (406) 564-5267.
My Neighbor in Need – Disabled lady new to area, is in need of a gently used/clean Queen Bed System (mattress and box spring) and gently used/clean dresser. If you are able to help with this need, and have either a gently used/clean Queen Bed System (mattress and box spring) and/or gently used/clean dresser and you would like to donate, please give out office a call at 406-750-2542. Thank you. The identification number is: 20438.
My Neighbor in Need – Disabled lady with health issues, is in need of a bus pass to get to and from case management. A monthly bus pass costs $30. If you can help, you can purchase the bus pass from Great Falls Transit District or make a $30 donation to My Neighbor in Need and we will buy the pass on your behalf. If you are able to assist, please call our office at (406) 750-2542. Thank you so much. The identification number is: 20442.
Great Falls Salvation Army Food Pantry – The Great Falls Salvation Army Food Pantry is in need of bottled water, pasta, cereal, and individual juices. Any and all items are greatly appreciated. Donations may be dropped off at 527 9th Ave so or call (406) 761-5660.
YWCA – The YWCA is in need of towels, cleaning supplies, and twin, full, and queen sized sheets and bedding. Any and all items are greatly appreciated. If you would like to donate, please call (406) 452-1315 or stop by 220 2nd St N.
City of Great Falls Animal Shelter – City of Great Falls Animal Shelter is in need of bleach tablets and pee pads. All items are greatly appreciated. Please stop by 1010 25th Ave NE or call (406) 454-2276.