Stage 1 Fire Restrictions Established for Lewis and Clark County

With fire danger rising and to reduce the risk of human-caused fires, the Lewis and Clark County Board of Commissioners passed a resolution today to establish Stage 1 Fire Restrictions throughout the county. The resolution was recommended to the Commission by the Lewis and Clark County Rural Fire Council and Sheriff Leo C. Dutton, Fire Warden.

Under STAGE 1 FIRE RESTRICTIONS, the following acts are prohibited until further notice:

  • Building, maintaining, attending, or using a fire or campfire unless as noted in the exemptions below.
  • Smoking, except within an enclosed vehicle or building, a developed recreation site or while stopped in an area at least three feet in diameter that is barren or cleared of all flammable materials.

Stage 1 Exemptions:

  • Campfires on private or public property only if they are within an improved fire ring or pit made of solid metal, stone, or cement and no larger than 48 inches across.
  • Persons with a written permit that specifically authorizes the otherwise prohibited act.
  • Persons using a device solely fueled by liquid petroleum or LPG fuels that can be turned on and off.
  • Persons conducting activities in those designated areas where the activity is specifically authorized by written posted notice.
  • Any Federal, State, or local officer or member of an organized rescue or firefighting force in the performance of an official duty.
  • All land within a City boundary is exempted.
  • Other exemptions unique to each agency/tribe.

The fire restrictions will remain in place until the fire danger has decreased and officials believe it is safe to rescind the restrictions.

Press Release
Author: Press Release

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