Street Sweeping Schedule for the Week of April 29th, through May 2nd

Street sweeping schedule for the week of April 29th through May 2nd. Please remove your vehicles from the area 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on your scheduled day.

Monday April 29:(All Streets and Avenues)  46th Street South to 57th Street South from 1st Avenue South to 10th Avenue South.  Also 57th Street South from 10th Avenue South to City Limits (Walmart).
Tuesday April 30:(All Streets and Avenues) 32nd Street South to 47th Street South from 10th Avenue South to 15th Avenue South. Also Streets and Avenues from 39th Street South to 41st Street South from 15th Avenue South to 20th Avenue South.
Wednesday May 1:(All Streets and Avenues)  from 15th Avenue South to Whispering Ridge from 32nd Street South to 38th Street South. Also Streets and Avenues from 25th Street South to 32nd Street South from 10th Avenue South to 18th Avenue South.
Thursday May 2:(All Streets and Avenues)  from 23rd Street South to 25th Street South from 10th Avenue South to 21st Avenue South.  Also All Streets and Avenues from 13th Street South to 20th Street South from 17th Avenue South to 29th Avenue South.  Including Castle Pines.


Schedule may change or be canceled due to weather conditions.

There are 286 street miles of City Streets that are swept each year. Residential streets are swept two times annually while collector and arterial streets are swept ten times each year. The business district streets and avenues are cleaned when needed.

Residents are advised to keep the curb area in front of their residence free from obstacles and parked cars during the days of scheduled street sweeping service. Schedules are posted in the Great Falls Tribune and affected areas are signed on the day the street sweeping is done.

For Street Maintenance Questions or to Report a Street Problem:  Call the PAR-TNER line at 406-727-8637, the Public Works Operations Office at 406-771-1401, or fill out the Street Maintenance Notification Form online.

Sweeping requests can be made by calling 406-771-1401 and will be done as time permits.  

Author: Staff

Our Staff account is used to publish submitted content. If you have content that was published under this account, and wish to have your name as author, please contact us at (406) 952-3021

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