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School Board Candidate Receives Local Endorsement

Press release By Liberty and Values MT: February 20, 2024 – Great Falls, Mt

In its first endorsement of the election season, Liberty and Values MT, a local conservative political committee, today announced that they are supporting Rodney Meyers for the open seat on the Great Falls School Board.

“Rodney has a very clear grasp of the challenges that our school system will be facing in the coming years,” noted Mark Winters speaking on behalf of Liberty and Values MT.  “I was shocked to learn that the High Schools in Great Falls rank dead last for academic achievement in Math, Reading and Science when compared to Billings, Bozeman. Missoula and Kalispell! 

Winters continued, “Our school system is failing, it’s failing to educate our young people, it’s failing our community and it’s failing the taxpayers of Great Falls and Montana!  The Great Falls School District is spending $31,000,000 (thirty-one million dollars) annually on our High Schools. With these results, there is no doubt, it’s time for better leadership!”

In announcing his candidacy Meyers said his platform is ‘A Voice for Great Falls Families.’  ‘It seems everyone has a seat at the table except the people the school system is supposed to serve, the students and the families,” Meyers said.  “It’s my intention to be the voice for the parents and students, by serving on the School Board.  According to the Office of Public Instruction in Helena we have a concise and accessible way to evaluate school performance.  By that measure of academic performance, the High Schools in Great Falls are sub-par, and the elementary schools are barely average compared to all the schools in the state! The future of our community depends on the success of our schools, and it’s my goal, working with the families of Great Falls to begin reversing this trend.”

This year’s school election will be on May 7th.  The election will be an all-mail election, ballots are expected to be mailed to the voters the week of April 18th.

Political press releases are printed verbatim and in their entirety. They are the sole responsibility of the party that submitted them. The Great Falls Gazette prefers to remain neutral in all political debates and provides a platform for all parties. 

Press Release
Author: Press Release

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