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Great Falls News Art and Music

The Vaughn School Barnes & Noble Fundraiser

What would be one way to make money for a small town school library? Why, having a fundraiser for said library, of course. The Vaughn School Library started having fundraisers over at Barnes & Noble four years ago. It is a great fundraiser for the school library, as quoted by the librarian and art teacher, Tammy Buley. She is a beloved, and well respected member of Vaughn School staff by all staff and students alike. Ms. Buley also takes the 6-8 grade choir/band students to these fundraisers to perform so they get used to playing and performing in front of crowds. 
What Ms. Buley does is print off coupons to hand out at the fundraiser. The printed-off coupons are handed out to customers, and they explain that a percentage of the customer's purchase goes towards Vaughn Library when asking the cashier to ring their purchase up under Vaughn School Library. The coupon does not take a percentage off the total of the customer's purchases. When asked to ring their purchase up under Vaughn School, it shows the generosity and support the community gives to the school and library. "All around, it is an amazing experience for everyone to enjoy" -Tammy Buley. This is also a way for students to strengthen their performing, and social skills in a positive way. At the end of the event, they had an amazing turnout and did well.

For someone to take time to organize such a spectacular event means so much to a lot of people. Namely the children whose minds and feelings are being shaped to ready them for their future when they get older. We show our support through any means necessary. This fundraiser does just that. It brings the community together to show that books are an important part of it. The next event Vaughn School will be hosting, in the spring, Is the Scholastic Book Fair. Both events, which help out the school, are great supports for small town schools.

Sarah Fronsee
Author: Sarah Fronsee

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