Library Kicks Off New Year-Long Reading Challenge in January


Great Falls, Mont – The library will open a new reading challenge to Great Falls Public Library cardholders in January. Each person who reads one book per category, determined by the library, and one category per book, for a total of 50 books by December 27, 2024, will be eligible for a prize to be announced at a later date. 

People can pick up a reading log at the library or download a PDF online starting next month to track their progress. Some of the categories include “200 pages or fewer,” “Published in 2024,” “Written by a Josephine Miles Award Winner,” “Science Fiction” “Book You Abandoned in the Past,” and “Book About a Real Person,” among others. The library also will release a select list of recommended books for some of the categories, available on the library website, as well. 

To earn the prize for completing the challenge, people must submit their completed log to the library by December 28 for the library staff to verify. Books read for other reading programs, book clubs, or assignments can be counted toward the challenge, provided they fit into the categories. Books in print, audio and electronic formats all will be accepted for the challenge.

“We’re really excited to unveil this new program. It’s hopefully going to challenge a lot of us to read many more books in our busy lives, but, it will be a great time and is designed to promote improving literacy in our community,” said Sarah Cawley, community engagement coordinator for the library.  

For more information, contact Jake Sorich at or 
406-453-0349 ex. 220. 

Author: Staff

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