Great Falls Gazette ®

Great Falls LOCAL News!

Newspaper and Site News

We’re Happy to Announce “Celebrations”

To help reconnect Great Falls, we’re excited to announce our new “Celebrations” section of the paper. Anyone can submit a “Celebration,” be it Birth, Birthday, Anniversary, Graduation, Commitment, Bar and Bat Mitzvah, or even a big promotion. Let’s share those positive messages. Celebrations are limited to 25 words. We will allow a 1″ x 1″ picture if you want to add a picture. The message MUST be positive and not of a commercial nature.

You can submit Celebrations for your spouse, your kids, your parents, aunts and uncles, friends, enemies (remember to be nice and positive,) coworkers, your coworker’s spouse’s uncle twice removed, your favorite Great Falls celebrity, your pet, you name it!

The listing will include a picture (if any), your message, your first name, and your last initial. If you want to send an anonymous message, please indicate when you place the ad. You may place a Celebration by clicking here or calling us at (406) 952-3021, and we’ll help get your celebration into the paper!

Andy Anderson
Author: Andy Anderson

Andy is publisher of Foxys Publishing Co, as well as pressman, ad sales, distribution and sometime janitor. He occasionally makes a wild attempt at writing but quite often is seen running around our offices trying to "Get 39 million things done today..."

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